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Org # 3146 RescuePictures of Animals for AdoptionView ALL Adoptable Animals

Citizens for Change A Cause for Paws Inc.

We are a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization. We have no shelter of our own, so we foster all of our animals in our own homes until we can find them loving forever homes. We rescue our animals from the streets of Logansport (and surrounding areas) and from local kill shelters. Our goal is to educate the public about the benefits of spaying and neutering, create awareness about the consequences of breeding as we continue to save the lives of animals. We operate an Adoption Center at the Logansport Mall on Saturdays. Our hours are from 11am to 5pm. There you can visit some of our foster animals and go through our adoption process.
PO Box 1407, Logansport IN US 46947 Ph:(574)753-5575 Email:
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